出ました SONY PCM-D1 。
お値段はというと、こちら。相当良さそうだけどあまりに高いので、もし私が実際買うなら、Roland R-1 かな〜。
« September 2005 | Main | February 2006 »
出ました SONY PCM-D1 。
お値段はというと、こちら。相当良さそうだけどあまりに高いので、もし私が実際買うなら、Roland R-1 かな〜。
This page contains all entries posted to Baian Jazz Line in December 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.
September 2005 is the previous archive.
February 2006 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.